Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The End, a beginning...

Last week I took a vacation from my day job, and locked myself in a room in an effort to finish my first full-length novel “Souljourner”. On the afternoon of July 31st it happened; I finally got to the end.  By the way, despite my husband's protests, I did not write “The End” at the end.

I am, what other writers call a “pantser”, in other words, I fly by the seat of my pants. Instead of starting with a detailed outline, I just write. When I start writing the story, I might have a general idea of the general premise, but for the most part I let the story tell itself. That can be frightening, especially to those who are “planners”, but it's the way that works best for me.

In the beginning, even I don't know the end, so it's extremely exciting when I get there, because I'm getting the same thrill of discovering what happens as, hopefully, my readers will.

But this ending is also, what I hope will be, a beginning. I can't convey how much pleasure writing is for me. How miraculous it is to have all the pieces fall into place, in almost a magical way, to make a complete story. I will be blissfully happy if I get to do this for the rest of my days.

So here's to reaching the end of one story, and hopefully the beginning of my new life.


Dave Thome said...

Ahhhhhhhh! Write "The End!" Write "The End!"

Dawn said...

Congratulations on reaching one ending, and best wishes on many new beginnings.