Despite the excitement of my first review for my novelette, Finding Hope, and my self-imposed pressure to get my novel done. I'm going to take a moment for magic.
I'm talking about pausing for Potter. Harry Potter. I'm one of those crazy Harry Potter fans. I can't complain, it's paid off in ways I could never have imagined.
J.K. Rowling's books were one of the things that inspired me to write. Her books pulled me in to a world I couldn't have imagined. Her speech to Harvard graduates convinced me that everything is worth trying. That you can only fail by failing to try at all.
All that aside, she has also turned me into a Potter geek, and I'm a proud one at that. So for the next nine days I will be consumed by every Harry Potter interview, trailer, magazine article, and promotional picture. I will rewatch the previous seven movies and I will be one of the many lined up at midnight on opening night. I've never been to a midnight showing, I figure this is my last chance. I may even dress in costume, when in Rome...or in this case when at Hogwarts...
Eighteen hours later I will be in line again with my friends. I will make sure I have plenty of tissues. Yes, I will cry. It's inevitable. I cried while reading the last book and have no doubt I will at the last movie. I'm sure I have family and friends that question my sanity, but then again aren't all good writer's just a little bit off?
After my period of mourning, I will return to my novel in full force. I've taken the last week of July off in hopes of putting all the final pieces together. But for now I'm perfectly okay with taking a hiatus for Harry.